Fire Services Bureau Open Day (Photos: Dennis Ho)
Government Information Bureau
2024-05-17 19:18
  • The Fire Services Bureau held an Open Day on 17 May, to deepen the public’s understanding of firefighting work, bring them closer to the job of firefighters, and to embody the spirit of “Let’s work together for fire safety and protection”. The event was held at the Fire Services Bureau Headquarters and Sai Van Lake Fire Station joint site. It also extended to the nearby Sai Van Lake Square.

  • The Fire Services Bureau Open Day receives an enthusiastic response and active participation and support from the public, this time attracting 7,800 visitors.

  • The Fire Services Bureau Open Day receives an enthusiastic response and active participation and support from the public, this time attracting 7,800 visitors.

  • The Fire Services Bureau Open Day programme includes a chance for the public to get a taste of firefighting skills and basic rescue skills.

  • There is also a number of game booths to explain firefighting work in an easy and fun way.

  • There is also a number of game booths to explain firefighting work in an easy and fun way.

  • During the Open Day, there are incident simulation exercises, allowing the public to see the firefighters' heroic skills up close when they are doing rescue work.

  • The Open Day provides a platform for the public to interact with members of the Fire Services Bureau. Not only can the public get a deeper understanding of firefighting work, rescue vehicles and equipment, they can also gain knowledge about safety topics.

  • The Open Day provides a platform for the public to interact with members of the Fire Services Bureau. Not only can the public get a deeper understanding of firefighting work, rescue vehicles and equipment, they can also gain knowledge about safety topics.

  • The Open Day provides a platform for the public to interact with members of the Fire Services Bureau. Not only can the public get a deeper understanding of firefighting work, rescue vehicles and equipment, they can also gain knowledge about safety topics.

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