
Company statistics for the 3rd quarter of 2024

Statistics and Census Service
2024-11-05 16:20
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Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that the number of newly incorporated companies fell by 45 quarter-on-quarter to 1,134 in the third quarter of 2024. Meanwhile, total value of registered capital of the new companies surged by 66% quarter-on-quarter to MOP255 million, due to the incorporation of many pharmaceutical and related companies with relatively large capital. There were 234 companies dissolved in the third quarter, a decrease of 131 quarter-on-quarter. Number of companies showed a net increase of 900, up by 86 quarter-on-quarter.

Analysed by industry, the majority of the new companies were operating in Wholesale & Retail Trade (396) and Business Services (308). As regards origin of capital of the newly incorporated companies, 48.1% of the capital came from Macao (MOP123 million), 25.1% from mainland China (MOP64 million) and 23.6% from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (MOP60 million).

Analysed by size of registered capital, there were 774 new companies (68.3% of total) registered with capital under MOP50,000, and the value of capital (MOP20 million) made up 7.9% of the total. Meanwhile, 23 new companies were registered with capital of MOP1 million or over, and the value of capital (MOP188 million) constituted 73.8% of the total.

In the first three quarters of 2024, there were 3,430 newly incorporated companies and 827 companies in dissolution, representing a net increase of 2,603 in the number of companies. Total registered capital was MOP611 million in the first three quarters.

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