MPU organises Lunar New Year event to celebrate the Year of the Dragon and twin anniversaries
Macao Polytechnic University
2024-02-15 16:53
  • MPU students joyfully welcomed the Year of the Dragon and celebrated twin anniversaries

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The New Year marks a new beginning. In 2024, as we welcome the Year of the Dragon, it is also a joyous moment marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. With the twin anniversaries, Macao Polytechnic University organised Lunar New Year event to send festive greetings. Faculty members, staff, and students come together to welcome the arrival of spring, expressing their heartfelt wishes for prosperity and happiness for our motherland and Macao in the new year.

MPU Rector Im Sio Kei wished all faculty members and students a prosperous and successful new journey, and encouraged the students to set clear goals, remain determined, and strive for progress. Students who participated in the event said that by gathering together with teachers during the Lunar New Year, writing Spring Festival couplets, engaging in traditional Chinese New Year handicrafts, and exchanging New Year blessings, they not only learnt the Chinese traditional culture but also felt the holiday care and support from the university and faculty members.

During the Spring Festival, the Student Affairs Office of MPU organised celebration events to welcome the New Year with students, sharing New Year’s hopes and goals, and expressing wishes for prosperity and success for the motherland and Macao through the twin anniversaries.

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