
The Estoril Swimming Pool will open to public tomorrow

Sports Bureau
2023-03-31 18:41
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The Estoril swimming pool managed by Sports Bureau (ID) will be opened to the public from tomorrow (April 1st) to November 30th , divided into in three sessions per day: 1st Session 07:00-11:00, 2nd Session 12:00-16:00 and 3rd Session 17:00-22:30. The pool will be temporarily closed for routine pool cleaning during the first session every Wednesday (on the occasion that Wednesday is a public holiday, the pool will remain opened and the cleaning will be postponed to the first session next following day).

To facilitate the use of the swimming pool facilities managed by ID, there are currently various ways and channels for public to purchase swimming tickets, of which includes “Macau One Account”, ID official website or mobile application, through the three platforms online service to purchase on-the-spot swimming ticket or pre-purchase swimming ticket two days in advance, and also on-the-spot ticket can be purchased in the swimming pool.

Instant information and availability of on-the-spot swimming tickets for each session of the day is shared on ID’s website and mobile APP, so as to facilitate the public to make arrangements as soon as possible. Furthermore, ID has set up display screens at swimming pools for public to view relevant information on-site.

For more details, please visit ID website www.sport.gov.mo or call the hotline 2823 6363 for inquiries.

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